Category: Allso Attitude Quotes

written by allso.ciety
February 15, 2022 1

It is lovely how everything in life happens accidentally, isn’t it?

We meet people by accident and they make us feel like home. They just exist and we know from the first sight that it is pure and unintended love.

But what is “home”? A place, a feeling, a person, family, friends?

For me, home is everything

For me, home is everything. Is a fairytale, a place where I go to recharge my battery, a place where I see people smiling, a place where I see friends and familiar faces, where I hear the whispers of the trees.

Home is when I have butterflies in my stomach when I see someone I care about, when I see my family with joy in their eyes. Home is everywhere around me, I make my own home with all the love I carry. I am made with love, I turn myself in love.

Why spreading hate when we are made of love?

When you speak, it’s poetry

Why do we search for a home in someone’s arms, when we are our own home?

You probably don’t know this, but with your every cell, you make this world a little bit better and you turn this world into HOME. With every conversation you have, you make someone’s day better, with every hug, you melt someone’s heart, when you speak, it’s poetry.

Loving is literally the easiest thing to do when you are made of it.

You probably don’t know it, but you made me better and thanks to you, I will make someone else better, and in the end, we will make this world better.

Believing in you, is believing in me.

Loving yourself, is loving me.

Supporting you, is supporting me.

If we are allies,

the world will be our home.



written by allso.ciety
February 4, 2022 0

Someone said once that depression is not a word or a feeling, it means deep rest actually. It is true, depression is that thing that eats us alive, it eats every single part of our happiness, energy, joy, it breaks our wings and kills what we have and what we are.

If you could change the way you feel, would you choose to be happy all the time?

I don’t think so. It would be exhausting at some point, only because happiness, in its essence is the thing we fight for.

And if someone would be happy all the time, couldn’t feel the actual taste of happiness.

Every single thing that we feel it’s good for our soul and body, even if sometimes it’s not fair to feel the way we feel when we don’t want to, but who said that this life is fair?

I accept to be “deep rest” when it comes to sadness, not to be happy all the time, I accept pain over infinite happiness.

But I choose to taste happiness. If I’m not happy, that’s perfect and it means my soul craves for a break, for a reset and a new way of seeing the beauty of the world.

But it is tricky, depression is tricky. It is true, loneliness is the cure for a broken heart, but only if you learn how to let go of it. Don’t stick with it or it will be like a shadow that you can’t get rid of.

Try using depression (deep rest) in your favor, for your soul but don’t live with it, if you build for it a permanent house in yourself, you might end up in a dark place where’s no room for happiness.


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